Water circulating vacuum pump

Date:2024-06-06 Source:


● Recycling water to save valuable water resources.

● More than 35% power savings compared to other types of vacuum pumps.

● Specially designed fluid muffler reduces gas in water, making the vacuum degree higher and more stable: reduces gas-liquid friction and noise.

● Double tap, dual meter display, can be used alone or in parallel.

● Resistant to acid, alkali, and solvent corrosion.

● The dedicated motor is made of well-known motor manufacturer ODM, sealed with fluororubber, and has no corrosive gas intrusion inside the motor.

● It is necessary to regularly replace the water in the sink to ensure pure water quality, maintain vacuum degree, and avoid scaling,

● Can be used to extract corrosive gases, and the water change cycle needs to be shortened.


(Application scope):

Providing vacuum conditions for processes such as evaporation, distillation, crystallization, drying, sublimation, filtration and pressure reduction, and degassing, it is particularly suitable for laboratories and small-scale trials in colleges, research institutes, chemical, pharmaceutical, biochemical, food, pesticide, agricultural engineering, biotechnology and other industries.

技术参数(Technical data)
型号(Model ) SHB-III
功率(Power) 180W
电源(Power supply) 60Hz或220V
流量( Flow rate) 80L
扬程(Lift) 10m
最大真空度(Ultimate vacuum) 0.098Mpa
单头抽气量(Suction/head) 10L/min
抽气头个数(Number of heads) 2
安全功能(Safety) 逆流防止阀
水箱容积(Reservoir capacity) 15L
水箱材质(Reservoir material) PP
外形尺寸(Dimensions) 385*280*420
重量(Weight) 11KG
零售价(Retail price) RMB 1900