Electric blast oven

Date:2024-06-06 Source:

(Usage characteristics):

Used for drying, baking, wax melting, and sterilization in industrial and mining enterprises, laboratories, research institutions, etc.

●The inside of the box is made of mirror stainless steel argon arc welding, and the outside of the box is made of high-quality steel plate, which has a beautiful and innovative appearance.

●Using a microcomputer P with over temperature deviation protection and digital display I. D temperature controller with timing function, precise and reliable temperature control. (Optional intelligent LCD program temperature controller)

●The hot air circulation system is composed of fans that can operate continuously at high temperatures and suitable age, which improves the uniformity of temperature in the studio.

●The independent temperature limit alarm system automatically interrupts when the temperature exceeds the limit, ensuring safe operation of the experiment without accidents.

●Equipped with a printer or RS485 interface, can connect to a printer or computer, and can record changes in temperature parameters.

技术参数(Technical data)
DHG-9030(一) DHG-9070(一) DHG-9140(一) DHG-9240(一) DHG-9420(一) DHG-9620(一) DHG-9920(一)
850 1550 2050 2450 3100 4000 6000
220V 50赫兹 380V 50赫兹
30 80 136 220 420 620 1000
(Liner size)
340*320*320(毫米) 450*400*450(毫米) 550*450*550(毫米) 600*500*750(毫米) 640*585*1355(毫米) 840*600*1355(毫米) 1000*600*1600(毫米)
620*530*490(毫米) 740*618*630(毫米) 840*670*730(毫米) 880*720*930(毫米) 780*750*1880(毫米) 980*800*1880(毫米) 1140*800*2150(毫米)
(Temperature control)
室温~300°C ±2°C~±1°C
(Room temperature~300 °C ± 2 °C~± 1 °C)
不锈钢内胆室温升+10~300°C;标配托架 2块、3块、4块;定时范围:1-9999min
(Stainless steel inner chamber temperature rise+10~300 °C;2、3 和 4 个标准支架;定时范围:1-9999min)
(Retail price)
人民币 4200 人民币 5500 人民币 7560 人民币 10200 人民币 12300 人民币 25300 人民币 42600